
Entangled Routes by Pye Corner Audio Out Now

Vinyl, CD & Digital available now.

Certainly, this is some of Pye Corner Audio’s strongest output to date. The synths have never sounded better… Press play and it works its magic, imprinting its strange and fantastic direct onto your mind’s eye.

It’s hard not to draw a Brian Eno comparison, as this is an album that manages to distil big, overarching concepts into accessible, and (above all) enjoyable soundscapes.  

minimalist synth sequences that are slow building and tense, with agitated pin prick rhythms and pulsing stabs evoking a vastness of space and the associated emotional states, from agoraphobia induced terror to wide eyed wonder.

There’s a real warmth to his analogue synth fetish that conjures up something between sci fi film music and the narcotic edge of the dancefloor. Everything is tightly controlled, pieces develop sequentially as each elements reveal happens at the exact, perfect moment in time. The edges are smooth, there is nothing to lull you out of a hypnotic reverie, nothing is left to chance. It’s difficult not to admire this kind of control, this attention to detail.

‘Growth Potential’ is dubby death disco that suddenly blossoms into a steely utopianism, ‘Leaf Mould’ dreams of ‘Europe Endless’ will one day just be decomposing ruins in the loam. But it ends with a banger, the spare synth bass and lovely spiralling high arpeggio of ‘Symbiosis’ offering a message of hope that man and nature can still learn to live together and communicate, rather than destroy each other.

16th December 2021